Thorough testing of safety-critical autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars, autonomous robots, and drones, is essential for detecting potential failures before deployment. One crucial testing stage is model-in-the-loop testing, where the system model is evaluated by executing various scenarios in a simulator. However, the search space of possible parameters defining these test scenarios is vast, and simulating all combinations is computationally infeasible. To address this challenge, we introduce AmbieGen, a search-based test case generation framework for autonomous systems. AmbieGen uses evolutionary search to identify the most critical scenarios for a given system, and has a modular architecture that allows for the addition of new systems under test, algorithms, and search operators. Currently, AmbieGen supports test case generation for autonomous robots and autonomous car lane keeping assist systems. In this paper, we provide a high-level overview of the framework's architecture and demonstrate its practical use cases.
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As machine learning (ML) systems get adopted in more critical areas, it has become increasingly crucial to address the bias that could occur in these systems. Several fairness pre-processing algorithms are available to alleviate implicit biases during model training. These algorithms employ different concepts of fairness, often leading to conflicting strategies with consequential trade-offs between fairness and accuracy. In this work, we evaluate three popular fairness pre-processing algorithms and investigate the potential for combining all algorithms into a more robust pre-processing ensemble. We report on lessons learned that can help practitioners better select fairness algorithms for their models.
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Recent advances in deep learning (dl) have led to the release of several dl software libraries such as pytorch, Caffe, and TensorFlow, in order to assist machine learning (ml) practitioners in developing and deploying state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNN), but they are not able to properly cope with limitations in the dl libraries such as testing or data processing. In this paper, we present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the most frequent dl libraries combination, the distribution of dl library dependencies across the ml workflow, and formulate a set of recommendations to (i) hardware builders for more optimized accelerators and (ii) library builder for more refined future releases. Our study is based on 1,484 open-source dl projects with 46,110 contributors selected based on their reputation. First, we found an increasing trend in the usage of deep learning libraries. Second, we highlight several usage patterns of deep learning libraries. In addition, we identify dependencies between dl libraries and the most frequent combination where we discover that pytorch and Scikit-learn and, Keras and TensorFlow are the most frequent combination in 18% and 14% of the projects. The developer uses two or three dl libraries in the same projects and tends to use different multiple dl libraries in both the same function and the same files. The developer shows patterns in using various deep-learning libraries and prefers simple functions with fewer arguments and straightforward goals. Finally, we present the implications of our findings for researchers, library maintainers, and hardware vendors.
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Increasingly, malwares are becoming complex and they are spreading on networks targeting different infrastructures and personal-end devices to collect, modify, and destroy victim information. Malware behaviors are polymorphic, metamorphic, persistent, able to hide to bypass detectors and adapt to new environments, and even leverage machine learning techniques to better damage targets. Thus, it makes them difficult to analyze and detect with traditional endpoint detection and response, intrusion detection and prevention systems. To defend against malwares, recent work has proposed different techniques based on signatures and machine learning. In this paper, we propose to use an algebraic topological approach called topological-based data analysis (TDA) to efficiently analyze and detect complex malware patterns. Next, we compare the different TDA techniques (i.e., persistence homology, tomato, TDA Mapper) and existing techniques (i.e., PCA, UMAP, t-SNE) using different classifiers including random forest, decision tree, xgboost, and lightgbm. We also propose some recommendations to deploy the best-identified models for malware detection at scale. Results show that TDA Mapper (combined with PCA) is better for clustering and for identifying hidden relationships between malware clusters compared to PCA. Persistent diagrams are better to identify overlapping malware clusters with low execution time compared to UMAP and t-SNE. For malware detection, malware analysts can use Random Forest and Decision Tree with t-SNE and Persistent Diagram to achieve better performance and robustness on noised data.
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飞机行业不断努力在人类的努力,计算时间和资源消耗方面寻求更有效的设计优化方法。当替代模型和最终过渡到HF模型的开关机制均被正确校准时,混合替代物优化保持了高效果,同时提供快速的设计评估。前馈神经网络(FNN)可以捕获高度非线性输入输出映射,从而为飞机绩效因素提供有效的替代物。但是,FNN通常无法概括分布(OOD)样本,这阻碍了它们在关键飞机设计优化中的采用。通过Smood,我们基于平滑度的分布检测方法,我们建议用优化的FNN替代物来编码一个依赖模型的OOD指标,以产生具有选择性但可信度的预测的值得信赖的替代模型。与常规的不确定性接地方法不同,Smood利用了HF模拟的固有平滑性特性,可以通过揭示其可疑敏感性有效地暴露OOD,从而避免对OOD样品的过度自信不确定性估计。通过使用SMOOD,仅将高风险的OOD输入转发到HF模型以进行重新评估,从而以低开销成本获得更准确的结果。研究了三个飞机性能模型。结果表明,基于FNN的代理在预测性能方面优于其高斯过程。此外,在所有研究案例中,Smood的确覆盖了85%的实际OOD。当Smood Plus FNN替代物被部署在混合替代优化设置中时,它们的错误率分别降低了34.65%和计算速度的降低率分别为58.36次。
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背景:在各个领域中观察到需求不断增加,以利用机器学习(ML)解决复杂问题。 ML模型作为软件组件实现,并部署在机器学习软件系统(MLSS)中。问题:非常需要确保MLSS的服务质量。这种系统的虚假决定或不良决定会导致其他系统的故障,重大财务损失甚至对人类生命的威胁。 MLSSS的质量保证被认为是一项具有挑战性的任务,目前是一个热门研究主题。此外,重要的是要涵盖MLSS中质量的所有各个方面。目的:本文旨在从从业者的角度研究MLSS中实际质量问题的特征。这项实证研究旨在确定与MLSS质量差有关的坏实践目录。方法:我们计划对从业人员/专家进行一系列访谈,认为访谈是在处理质量问题时检索其经验和实践的最佳方法。我们希望在此步骤中开发的问题目录还将帮助我们以后确定MLSS质量问题的严重性,根本原因以及可能的补救措施,从而使我们能够为ML模型和MLSS开发有效的质量保证工具。
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